PROMAR, created from the words, "Project Mars", is a group of members of the Mars Society Canada Winnipeg Chapter, who wanted to do something, and do something important and useful as well as be a fascinating challenge. It was decided to build a receiving station for Mars probes and other uses, and then do some laboratory research on surviving in the Mars environment. OUR VISION PROMAR intends to be a part of the Canadian and international space programme through owning and operating a receiving station for radio signals and telemetry primarily from Mars probes, but available for, in order of priority: other space probes and satellites, radio astronomy for university research , public education, and SETI searches. When this is operational, to operate, co-located with it, a biology laboratory to advance human knowledge on the exploration and exploitation of Mars, and Mars-like environments. Other, future projects are possible as opportunities arise and resources enable. OUR MISSION 1. PROMAR will build and operate a receiving station for space borne telemetry. 2. PROMAR will build and operate a biology laboratory to develop a sustainable chloroplast culture which will produce starches from carbon dioxide and water, as raw material for yeasts to produce sugars, proteins and alcohols for human use. HOW YOU CAN HELP At this early stage, the project needs as wide as possible base of talents, skills and labour. We have room for anyone who wants to join. Financial contributions are necessary, and very much encouraged. For contribution in kind, the organization needs radio receivers, dish antennae, an RV or Atco type of trailer to use as a work, eat and sleep space for the duty operator. Also needed are a pickup truck, and storage shed. Donors of gifts of greater than $5,000 will be recognized as GOLD sponsors. Donating $3,000 to $5,000 will earn recognition as a SILVER sponsor, and BRONZE recognition is for gifts of $1,000 to $3,000. Donations of ALL sizes are very much appreciated and needed. If you can, please help. OUR APPRECIATED SPONSORS GOLD SILVER BRONZE
LINKS Mars Society Winnipeg < http://chapters.marssociety.org/winnipeg > Mars Society Canada < http://www.marssociety.ca > Mars Society USA < http://www.marssociety.org > Royal Astronomical Society of Canada < http://www.rasc.ca > |
Our Dream is actually a photo of the Very Large Array, (VLA), in Socorro New Mexico, USA. Nice eh? |